Q: What does “Soularium'“ mean?

A: The word "Soularium" is a creative blend of two words that carry a profound meaning when combined:

  1. "Soul" - represents a person's inner essence or spiritual aspect, often associated with the source of life, consciousness, and individuality.

  2. "-arium" - This suffix is commonly used in words that describe a place or container, such as "aquarium," "terrarium," or "planetarium." In the context of "Soularium," it implies a space or environment that nurtures, contains, and facilitates the exploration and healing of the soul.

"Soularium" suggests a metaphorical space where individuals can delve into their souls, explore their spiritual dimensions, and engage in a transformative healing process. It's a place to discover their true self and unlock their highest potential.

Q: What is Intuitive Healing Arts?

A: Intuitive Healing Arts refer to a holistic approach to healing that combines various techniques, such as energy work, intuitive guidance, and creative expression, to help individuals achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. These practices often involve working with a practitioner who uses their intuition and connection to divine guidance to help clients access their own inner wisdom and healing abilities.

Intuitive Healing Arts may include modalities such as Reiki, Shamanic healing, sound therapy, crystal healing, and other forms of vibrational medicine. These practices can help individuals release emotional and energetic blockages, connect with their higher selves, and embrace a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Overall, Intuitive Healing Arts aims to empower individuals to take an active role in their healing journey by tapping into their inner resources and connecting with their true nature as spiritual beings.

Q: What happens during an Intuitive or Spiritual Wellness session?

A: Each session type is personalized to your unique needs. Based on your choice of services, we may explore energy healing, delve into intuitive readings, or engage in coaching discussions. The goal is to facilitate personal growth and self-discovery. Some people only see me for Reiki, others for Intuitive Readings, and others utilize all of the offerings.

Q: What is Reiki?

A: Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. It is based on channeling universal life energy through the practitioner's hands to the recipient. In my hands-off style, I work with the energy field surrounding your body, allowing the gentle flow of healing energy without physical touch.

Q: How does Reiki work in a “no touch” style?

A: In a no-touch Reiki session, the practitioner uses focused intention of Qi energy and visualization to direct healing energy to your energy field. The practitioner's hands hover over the focus areas of the body. The energy flows naturally, addressing imbalances and promoting a sense of calm and balance. The process is non-intrusive and can be as effective as hands-on techniques, providing a soothing and rejuvenating experience.

Q: What will I feel during a Reiki session?

A: Sensations during a Reiki session vary from person to person. Many individuals report a deep sense of relaxation, warmth emanating from my hands, or gentle tingling as the healing energy works to balance their energy field. Some may experience a release of tension, emotional shifts, or a heightened state of tranquility. It's important to note that everyone's experience is unique, and the session is designed to promote overall well-being and a sense of inner harmony.

Q: Can anything terrible happen during a Reiki session?

A: Reiki is generally considered a safe and gentle energy healing practice. It is non-invasive and has no known harmful side effects. However, it's essential to communicate openly with your practitioner about any concerns or conditions you may have before the session. Reiki is complementary to conventional medical treatments, and it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider for any specific health concerns. You may experience emotional releases during the session, but these are typically part of the healing process, promoting a positive and transformative experience.

Q: What is Energy Healing?

A: Energy healing is a holistic practice that aims to restore balance and promote well-being by working with the subtle energy fields surrounding the body. The premise is that disruptions or imbalances in the energy flow can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. Various energy healing modalities, such as Reiki, focus on clearing, balancing, and replenishing the body's energy to support healing on multiple levels. These are non-intrusive, gentle practices that promote relaxation and overall well-being.

Energy healing involves using Reiki, sound crystal bowls, and chakra tuning forks to restore balance and harmony to your energy system. It's a non-intrusive, gentle practice that promotes relaxation and overall well-being.

Q: What is a Shamanic Healing?

A: Shamanic Healing is an ancient practice that involves working with spiritual energies and entities to restore balance and harmony to an individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is based on the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected and that imbalances in one area of life can have ripple effects on other areas.

Shamanic healers, also known as shamans, work with spirit guides, ancestral spirits, and other non-physical entities to access information and energy that can be used to heal individuals and communities. This may involve practices such as soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, extraction work, and journeying to other realms.

Shamanic Healing can be a powerful tool for addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, and chronic illness. It is a holistic practice that focuses on the interconnectedness of all things and the power of the individual to heal and transform.

Q: What does Metaphysical mean?

A: The term "metaphysical" refers to concepts, theories, or ideas beyond the scope of the physical world or the natural sciences. It encompasses philosophical, spiritual, or abstract concepts often dealing with the nature of reality, existence, and the universe. Metaphysical inquiries can include topics such as the nature of being, the existence of God or higher powers, the soul, consciousness, free will, and the afterlife. In a broader sense, metaphysics can also refer to practices or disciplines exploring these concepts, such as philosophy, spirituality, or metaphysical healing modalities.

Q: What is an Intuitive Oracle?

A: An Intuitive Oracle uses their intuitive abilities to connect with and interpret messages from the universe. They may receive these messages through various methods, such as clairvoyance (seeing visions), clairaudience (hearing messages), clairsentience (feeling the energy or emotions of others), or claircognizance (knowing information without any apparent reason).

As an Intuitive Oracle, I act as a conduit between the physical and spiritual realms, helping clients gain clarity and insight into their lives. I may use divination tools like oracle cards, charms, stones, or shells to help me interpret these messages, or you may rely solely on my intuitive abilities.

I have a solid connection to my intuition and a deep understanding of the soul world. I’m sensitive to energies, emotions, and the subtle messages that the universe sends, and I use this sensitivity to help others navigate their lives.

Q: How do Intuitive Readings work?

A: I ask your guides to assist me during an Intuitive reading and tap into your energy field to provide guidance and clarity. It involves interpreting intuitive insights to help you navigate challenges, make decisions, and better understand your life path.

Q: Do I have to choose one modality, or can I combine them?

A: You can choose the modalities that resonate with you. Some modalities, such as a Chakra Tuning Session and an Intuitive Reading, can be combined. Others can not be combined, such as Reiki and 2-hour Shamanic sessions. Send me an inquiry before combining sessions to know if the work can be combined.

Q: How long is a typical session?

A: Sessions typically last according to the allotted duration of the session, allowing ample time for a meaningful exploration of your goals and experience.

Q: How can I book a session?

A: Booking a session is easy! Visit the [Booking Page] and select a type and time that suits you. If you are a first-time client, you can also schedule a Free 15-minute "Tea with Dee" session to explore if my approach aligns with your needs.

Q: Is the 15-minute "Tea with Dee" session genuinely free?

A: Absolutely! The "Tea with Dee" session is complimentary for first-time clients to me or a service allowing us to connect. It's a chance for you to ask questions, discuss your goals, and see if my approach fits you.

If you have questions you don’t see asked here, please use the contact page to ask me. Thank you.